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Lightning Pilot Web Services

Lightning Pilot offers web site building services to put you on the Internet.  Web site service is a core activity that complements our interest in business networking.  Just about every enterprise of any type needs a compelling web presence in today’s global economy.  We can help.

Some Fundamentals To Consider

•  The type of web site – it's purpose, content, plus any special features

•  The management of the web site – how it should be maintained and by whom

•  The host for the web site – serve the site yourself or contract with a hosting service

Types of Web Sites

The type of web site and its content dictate the type of services required to create it and operate it.  A web site can be as simple as text and graphics with a few pages to link.  It can be as complicated as a site engaged in e-commerce or even the control of a factory including the direct operation of tooling.  Web sites can be deployed on the World Wide Web or restricted to internal use for sole access by company personnel.

The tools used to develop the site may be classic HTML or XML.  JavaScript may be employed to operate features on the client side.  A very popular script language, PHP, may be employed to operate features on the server side.

Tools might also include a database.  A database is very effective in managing data taken in and managed on a web site.  It is essential to e-commerce applications or sites with membership features.

The list can go on as to what can be done.  This includes graphic arts and styling using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Web Site Hosting on the Internet

Lightning Pilot does not host web sites or act as a registrar for a domain.  There are many well qualified and very competitive hosting companies ready to serve your needs.  We will develop your site and upload it to your host.

When the work is done you may take over the management of your site or you may continue to contract with Lightning Pilot for web master services.

Contact Us For Information

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