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Enterprise Dream

Networking the Essential Enterprise


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Welcome To Lightning Pilot

Welcome to Lightning Pilot, a place for you to explore business resources that can help you start, grow, and manage your enterprise.  Lightning Pilot is a company offering services in use of the Internet such that your enterprise may successfully compete in the global marketplace.

Our concept of enterprise is focused on business activities.  The Internet is a frontier lying at your doorstep.  Life on the frontier is risky, but at the same time filled with opportunity for an enterprise confident to venture forth.

Blacksmith ForgeWe encourage the use of systematic practices essential to improving sales and productivity on a daily basis.  But, the frontier experience requires flexibility and a willingness to depart from tradition.  Life on the Internet changes rapidly.  You don’t always know what’s around the next bend.

Today the prospect for long term employment is much lower than it was a generation ago. Your future may include starting a business.  It may simply be a matter of survival.  We think this will be the case for a wide variety of people.  We view the prospect of self employment or operating a small business as a very worthwhile avenue to a satisfying life.

At the start you may need to work alone, but it may be unwise to think you can always do it alone.  Lightning Pilot will continuously evolve as a supporting infrastructure for people to use daily.  Our variety of activities from direct client work to an integrated system of networking will assist in keeping your enterprise productive and on the edge of the Internet frontier.

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